jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Leadership in Education

I am in the process of programming some opportunities in November for educators to meet two experts in leadership in the educational field. They work with one of the international consulting firms with which I have been closely associated for many years.

1) Week of 9th November

Martha Sanchez, the senior educational consultant for Franklin Covey in Latin America, will be coming to Chile to deliver the “Leading at the Speed of Trust” ‘programme with a major coporate clients. We are taking advantage of this opportunity to hold a series of meetings with other clients in the corporate and educational fields.

We have reserved 12th November for the educational sector to allow Marta to present the “Leader in Me” initiatives in Education throughout the world and in particular, the ambitious program with the Guatemalan Ministry of Education, where Stephen Covey’s “The Seven Habits” has been introduced into the curriculum of the final year of secondary schooling. The Educational Division of SOFOFA, has expressed an interest in hosting this activity in which they will showcase the results of the leadership initiatives in one of their “Liceos Técnicos”.

2) Week of 23rd November

Gladys Gonzalez, from Franklin Covey’s Guatemalan office, who has specialized in education, entrepreneurship and training of facilitators, will be conducting a workshop on “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens” to a group of youngsters from Juventud Emprendedora and subsequently carrying out a Train the Trainer programme for this ONG’s internal facilitators. We are currently approaching several of our clients about their interest in participating in a forum on “Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Education” we plan on organizing on 25th or 26th November.

Anyone interested in attending either of these activities or arranging a special meeting on these dates on their premises please advise as soon as possible.
Please note my new cell phone: 6 229 7840

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