Me siento, además, muy comprometido por los abrazos que recibí este fin de semana en mi recorrido por los pueblos del Río Mataquito y alrededores para entender las necesidades de apoyo, más allá de alimento, abrigo y vivienda. Homero y Francisca, Hector, Wilson, Luis Armando, Leslie, Bernardita, Marcelo y Sandra, María Carmen y tantos otros que tomaron tiempo para hablar conmigo para compartir sus penas pero tambien su agradecmiento por la solidaridad de millones de chilenos y de empresas y organizaciones, gobiernos y ciudanos de todo el mundo que han dejado al lado sus diferencias para apaliar rápidamente el dolor más inmediata - la soledad, el hambre y la falta de abrigo.
jueves, 18 de marzo de 2010
Me siento, además, muy comprometido por los abrazos que recibí este fin de semana en mi recorrido por los pueblos del Río Mataquito y alrededores para entender las necesidades de apoyo, más allá de alimento, abrigo y vivienda. Homero y Francisca, Hector, Wilson, Luis Armando, Leslie, Bernardita, Marcelo y Sandra, María Carmen y tantos otros que tomaron tiempo para hablar conmigo para compartir sus penas pero tambien su agradecmiento por la solidaridad de millones de chilenos y de empresas y organizaciones, gobiernos y ciudanos de todo el mundo que han dejado al lado sus diferencias para apaliar rápidamente el dolor más inmediata - la soledad, el hambre y la falta de abrigo.
domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010
When I took Puki out on his lead this morning to perform his morning duties, I felt the urge to extend our walk down past the supermarket just for the reassuring feel of "back to normal" and sure enough, "back to normal" it was - queues of people to buy their Sunday empanadas from the "Tomás Moro" and outside everyone glancing at the horrific pictures of the destruction in the South and Central zones.
The "Big One" had come and gone. 1960 - 1985 - 2010... every 25 years... this time, almost to the day... but I had a "Bigger One" inside me. How can I be thinking of getting back to normal after the summer break - trim my beard, send my suits to the cleaners and start "peddling" organizational effectiveness and my "trustworthiness" as a consultant/facilitator/coach - with this huge doubt eating a hole inside me... ?
(foto EFE)
... should I be talking about effectiveness - achieving personal "greatness" or should I be doing something about it....
Friends, family, clients and colleagues, forgive me if I don't call you for a couple of months - I'll be around and available if you need me... but right now I am going to start knocking on other doors to see how I can help pull Chile... my home for the last 30 years...out of this huge hole. If this means getting my flaccid body and soul back into shape by shoving rubble or using my large frame to ward off looters, great... if I can use some of the leadership skills I have been teaching for the last 15 years... so much the better...
... by the way, friends of Chile from Franklin Covey from Panama, Mexico, Guatemala and Miami are sending messages of sympathy and asking how they can help (Pepe, José Luis, Gladys, Barbara and Marta).
Any ideas on the doors I should be knocking on to deliver this promise, gratefully received - please use the comments section of this mail to share your ideas and thoughts or mail me on .
The "Big One" had come and gone. 1960 - 1985 - 2010... every 25 years... this time, almost to the day... but I had a "Bigger One" inside me. How can I be thinking of getting back to normal after the summer break - trim my beard, send my suits to the cleaners and start "peddling" organizational effectiveness and my "trustworthiness" as a consultant/facilitator/coach - with this huge doubt eating a hole inside me... ?
... should I be talking about effectiveness - achieving personal "greatness" or should I be doing something about it....
Friends, family, clients and colleagues, forgive me if I don't call you for a couple of months - I'll be around and available if you need me... but right now I am going to start knocking on other doors to see how I can help pull Chile... my home for the last 30 years...out of this huge hole. If this means getting my flaccid body and soul back into shape by shoving rubble or using my large frame to ward off looters, great... if I can use some of the leadership skills I have been teaching for the last 15 years... so much the better...
... by the way, friends of Chile from Franklin Covey from Panama, Mexico, Guatemala and Miami are sending messages of sympathy and asking how they can help (Pepe, José Luis, Gladys, Barbara and Marta).
Any ideas on the doors I should be knocking on to deliver this promise, gratefully received - please use the comments section of this mail to share your ideas and thoughts or mail me on .
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